Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random music I'm diggin'

I started the morning out with some Coheed and Cambria, which is my old stand-by. Day by day, however, I lean away towards them and re-discover some music I own.

I had really forgotten how much I really dig Jimmy Eat World. Thing is, I don't really even care for the songs they played on the radio. It's the rest of the album(s) that are really good.

Never officially have I purchased the self-titled album (also previously referred to as Bleed American), but I'll touch on that effort later. I have, however purchased their Futures record. Starts off pretty perfectly with the song "Futures", and then goes into my second-favorite Jimmy song, "Work". All I can say is that the progression is awesome and if you don't have Futures, you should really think about giving it a shot.

As previously stated, I have never purchased Bleed American. There is sound reasoning for this. First of all, I know I should support the band and just buy that morsel of goodness. But, you see, I severly cherish the burned copy I have. My copy was burned for me by my friend Andrea, who now lives too far away from me. The CD itself makes me giggle everytime I see it. It's pretty simple, in the fact that it has the album and band name on it, but on the bottom it has "to: Janelle" and "from: Andrea" and a smiley face. Hence, I smile because of a few things: it reminds me of her, it feels like a love note, and the music itself is awesome.

I will say that when this was originally made for me, I only really listened to the first 5 tracks or so, and that was it. Then came the fall of 2002.

I had a sweeeeet girating mustang and a bad breakup, and a friend in Adam J. September and October of '02 were filled with Jack-in-the-Box drive-thrus in the 'stang, a whole lot of tacos, and some Jimmy on the stereo. I can remember trying to change the CD during "Authority Song" and getting yelled at. I'm pretty sure I fell for that entire CD around that time.

The album title was changed to be self-titled (from Bleed American) because of September 11, 2001. I'm not sad that they changed it, because the first track "Bleed American" did not get removed or changed, and it really fits the ambiance of the CD overall. I absolutely love "A Praise Chorus" for about 100 reasons, and that is my FAVE Jimmy song. "The Middle" is alright, but was a tad bit overplayed for me. "Your House" is just too sweet, and I love that track as well. Plus, you've got "Sweetness", "Hear You Me", and "If You Don't, Don't". Sometimes I wonder if that album could have been any better.

I always end up tying a song, album, or artist with something else in life, whether it be a person, event, place, laugh... whatever. I encourage you to do this as well. I may look like a fool driving down Highway 40 screaming "Cut the Mullet" or serenating no one by saying "And there undressed in the shadows stands my sweet Cherie, hiding from July", but at least there is a gob of memories compressed into that line, right? (Okay, really, I try not to sing Hardline without someone else present if at all possible, but sometimes I cannot help it.)

'Tis all today blogworld.