Sunday, February 8, 2009

great music day

i'm unsure of the last time i had a bad day musically, but today was the exact opposite of a bad music day.

the worship music today at church and at youth group was unbelievable. while the worship music during church always is nice to hear, i will say that i was more impressed by the youth group music. a few past members came today and each played guitar and sang. i'm continuously impressed by anyone who can play a guitar. furthermore, i'm impressed if you can sing and play a guitar simultaneously. these two college boys did just that. it was a great time.

also, today i cannot stop listening to the ben fold's live cd i got yesterday. i'd heard many songs off this disk, but now it's mine and soooo cool. plus, i have always known that the song "the luckiest" was my favorite ben fold's song, but that live version is just.... wow. it makes dashboard's "hand down" sound like a death metal song.

i also picked up additional social d to add to my collection yesterday. i challenge you to find someone who says social d sucks. and if you do, just prove to them they are wrong.

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