Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tears In My Ears

Deciding on the 5 worst country songs is a lot like trying to find the greenest blade of grass. They're all shades of green, and the whole yard just needs to be mowed.

Country "music" is so revolting that it shuts my brain down almost immediately. It is an excellent tactical weapon. Because I don't subject myself to such suffering willingly, I had to really delve into some awful recesses in my mind to determine which "songs" have hurt me the most. I'll be billing Janelle for my therapy.

#5: Ring Of Fire (and everything else by Johnny Cash)

Gimmicky "man in black" stuff just isn't enough to make this tolerable. This guy is like the Bruce Springsteen of country music. No discernable talent, but everyone says he's good, so it must be so. Yeah, I get it... dark, tragic life, rags to riches, blah blah blah. In fact, my great-grandpa's sister used to feed his family in Arkansas in the '30s. Bottom line is, the music sucks. All three chords of it. OK, so he's mostly on key. But to say he has an annoying twang doesn't quite sum it up. If you want to do a good Johnny Cash impression, do your very best to constantly say rrrrrrrr while singing. Think REO Speedwagon does country. "Still I don't remembrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..."

If you don't believe he sucks, check out what has happened to Joaquin Phoenix since he played JC. He's gone mad.

#4: God Bless The USA

Before you call me anti-American, hear me out. Yes, I'm proud to be American. I wholeheartedly love my country. That is why this song makes my teeth slam together violently, causing skull vibrations to pulverize my brain until it leaks out of my ear leaving me (at least temporarily) a mindless zombie (token zombie reference). Yes, Lee Greenwood has every right to love this country, too, but ever since he transformed that emotion into a horrific country track, people seem to feel obligated to drill it into my eardrums at every conceivable opportunity. It's virtually inescapable, and could possibly be fatal.

#3: Boot Scootin' Boogie

I think the name says it all on this one. First of all, I abhor the segue of boogie into the country genre. It just doesn't fit. Second, this atrocity seems to inspire gaggles of plaid-clad lemmings to go racing together and begin gyrating across the floor in relative synchronicity without any concern for the welfare of my senses. Before this song, I had never seen so many denim snuff can circles wiggling around in one place. And the boots... oh, the boots...

#2: Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer

It's painful enough being aurally accosted by blaring steel guitar at a red light. But when someone thinks it's funny to make a tasteless, jingle-bell-laden country song depicting the unfortunate demise of a drunken matriarch and the subsequent apathy of her family, that's just too far. For some reason, the general public has decided that everyone must love this song, and it is maliciously stirred into nearly every Christmas music mix throughout the season. In fact, I was at a Christmas event this last year, and they played about 6 songs on loop for 2 days straight. This was one of them. My friend was homicidal by the time we left. I was curled up under a tree in the fetal position gnawing on my own knuckles and muttering something about wabbit season.

#1: Achy Breaky Heart

Oh, where do I start? First, there's Billy Ray Cyrus, the mulleted marvel. While I'm sure he's just a spiffy guy, he'll stand before his creator and face judgment for this one. Such a collection of vile, insipid, twangy references to body parts deserves some sort of reciprocity. Perhaps he should be strapped to a mechanical bull and forced to listen to the Macarena on loop for about 5 years. Or Tubthumping. Or MMMBop. Here's a hint, Billy: If half the nation's radio stations are playing your song 20 times a day, chances are it's really, really bad. And this particular batch of sludge seeped out of its country container... crossover. Feel free to torture the country fans with this repugnance, but what did the rest of us do to deserve such torment?

I'll close on this note:


Music Debate Number 3

DING! Round number three.
This time, the debate features my cousin Christy. Sadly, she lives in Florida and we rarely get to see each other, but she's super awesome. We communicate daily via the Web, and we learn we are more alike everyday, which is somewhat scary. Christy has a few of her own blogs: one I would consider a regular blog (http://superteetee.blogspot.com/); a really cool blog for her business that you should all check out (http://pointtakeninc.blogspot.com/); and my favorite, a blog compiling all of the funny things her two little girls say (http://dontlickthebook.blogspot.com/).

Because we both really dislike country music, our blog is each of us counting down our top five most hated country songs. Without further ado...

Janelle's Top Five:
5. "Beer Run" by Garth Brooks and George Jones
Look, if I was ever made to listen to country music, Garth Brooks wouldn't be the worst, honestly. Problem is, he wrote so many songs, he ran out of topics. Hence, "Beer Run" was born. No one said abort, and it was sent out to radio stations. Plus, Todd Snider did a song called "Beer Run" that was much better. Why? Because he's a comedian. They're supposed to write songs about stupid things.

4. "Achy Breaky Heart" by Billy Ray Cyrus
I don't really need to say anything. It's old. I'm over it. Billy Ray is a walking joke, and we all know it. If the mullet, this song, and Miley Cyrus weren't enough, he was on Doc.
3. "Trashy Women" by Confederate Railroad
This is just an abomination of all things. Ever. The resemble a five-piece shit storm. They're old, mulleted, and dirty. Then they wrote a song about how they "like their women just a little on the trashy side". Hint: You didn't have to make it big to pick up trash-tastic women. You could have parked the Camaro outside of the trailer park, charged a six-pack of Natty for admission. The trash would have been overflowing, and no garbage man in their right mind would have come by to pick it up.
2. "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" by Kenny Chesney
No, I don't. REALLY, I don't! Even when Jeff Barnes used to sing it, I didn't think so. WHO WRITES THIS CRAP?! An even better question: who gets turned on by a tractor?? If this is something that excites you, I really don't want to talk to you. Go get help, now.

1. "T-R-O-U-B-L-E" by Travis Tritt
Travis Tritt is just.... the most disgusting human to walk the planet. Have you seen him?! Ridiculousness.

I did try to use a picture I believe we put on love notes sent to random people senior year of high school. Just one more reason senior year was amazing.

Besides Travis being disgusting, he makes terrible music. It makes me want to vomit when I think of the time I actually put this song on a mixed CD. (And, Rachel, you would have to refresh my memory for sure, but wasn't it placed at the end of one of the Cock Rock CDs??) T-R-O-U-B-L-E is just.... yuck.

Thanks to Christy for this great idea for a blog. I'm actually pretty proud of this one.

Also, I promise not to wait so long until the next one. If anyone wants to blog with me, feel free to email/call/text me.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stuff I'm Diggin'

This one comes with a story, as well.

On the day I tuned 20, Fuel played a show at Pop's. That was back in the day when I used to like Pop's. (BEFORE they kicked me out.) I was stoked to see any good concert on my birthday, let alone a band like Fuel. (Hey, let's face it: Brett Scallion was pretty cute, and they almost had Chris Daughtry as a singer as well...)

Fuel was great that night. But, BONUS! One of the opening bands was great as well. They were a band called Revis. I don't know much about them, except for the fact that the CD they were selling that night, called Places for Breathing is one great album. Their live show was really impressive and I still love to listen to this song; here's the video for you guys.
