Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Childhood-Related Music 2

When I was a wee one, I used to love this song and video:

Upon adult viewing, it's semi-creepy.

I heard this song on the radio yesterday. I still love the song, and I doubt that even in old age it will change. However, my feelings on the video have definitely changed.

I have been trying to see what I liked about it as a child, and I think I see the appeal. The talking/singing/moving animals. Who doesn't like that as a kid? Most every child has a stuffed animal they treasure (and probably talk to). There's nothing wrong with that. There is, however, something wrong when I look at it now. That moose head is kind of frightening. There's money spitting out from that old Norm Abram-made desk and George doesn't even flinch. I'm pretty sure that Paul got most of the money from the Beatles' tunes, so I would like to think that Mr. Harrison would be thrilled at bills being thrown at him. Maybe Paul was the one throwing? Who knows. (I tried to look closely, but had no luck.)

Let's focus on Harrison himself for a minute. I mean, he strums that guitar and stares DIRECTLY into the camera for about half of the video. He's not smiling, but he's not NOT smiling... Then he does the Tom Cruise "I'm in LOVE!" jump from the chair and does some sort of interpretive dance.

I do, however still love a few things from this said video. That dance may be silly, but I still love it. The mullet is sweet. And that squirrel that plays a pipe for a saxophone is just impressive.

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